The Ministry of Health Surabaya Health Polytechnic (Polkesbaya) held a graduation for the Diploma III and Applied Bachelor Programs Wednesday, March 15 2023. In this graduation, the Director of Polkesbaya graduated 140 graduates consisting of 50 graduates of the Diploma III Program and 90 graduates of the Applied Bachelor Program. A total of 6 graduates took part in the online procession because they were serving as Healthy Archipelago at DTPK and were unable to attend offline. Furthermore, all graduates were sworn in as health workers by the Director of the Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Surabaya, Luthfi Rusyadi, SKM, M.Sc.
The welcoming speech from the graduate representatives was delivered by Aprilina Gayuh Arniningtyas from the Applied Undergraduate Study Program in Electro-medical Engineering Technology. In her speech, Aprilina thanked the lecturers for the knowledge and guidance they had provided, and for guiding the students to receive their new degrees on graduation day.
Furthermore, the Director General of Health Personnel, drg. Arianti Anaya, MKM delivered remarks online. The Director General of Health Care congratulates all graduates and female graduates who have successfully completed the entire educational process and have been declared graduates and are graduating today.
In his speech, the Director General of Health Care said that the public has been waiting for graduates to become health workers because we are competing to solve various health problems. Currently, the maternal mortality rate, newborn mortality rate and stunting are still high. These are indicators of the health level of a country where we are still facing quite a lot of problems. Then, other diseases such as TB, which is still number 2 in the world.
Congratulations to all graduates and graduate students. Hopefully the knowledge gained can contribute to building the country towards a healthy Indonesia.